Heidi Kwok (she/her) MA, RCC
BBA, MA, Registered Clinical Counsellor, Reiki Therapist
Therapy Formats: Virtual & In-Person
I speak English, Mandarin, and Cantonese
Accepting New Clients
My mission is to empower individuals to transcend societal conditioning and reclaim their authentic selves.
Grounded in an existential-humanistic approach, I honor the unique potential within each person. I believe that every individual possesses inherent worth and has the capacity to discover intrinsic purpose in their lives. By integrating spirituality and psychotherapy, I guide individuals on a transformative journey of healing and growth. Through cultivating self-awareness, embracing emotions, and fostering embodiment, individuals can experience a profound sense of wholeness.
My work aims to facilitate spiritual reconnection and psychotherapeutic healing, enabling clients to embrace their true nature as spiritual beings while fully embracing their humanity. I understand that freeing oneself from conditioned beliefs and thoughts is an ongoing process, requiring dedication and resilience. I am committed to supporting individuals in living consciously, embracing present-moment awareness, and liberating themselves from the grip of past conditioning.
I am committed in supporting individuals to forge paths aligned with their genuine selves, breaking free from societal expectations and programmed patterns. My mission is to help individuals navigate this transformative journey and create lives of authenticity and fulfillment.
In my counselling sessions, my primary focus is understanding the inner workings of my clients’ minds and emotions. I make a point to explain the distinction between clients and their minds and encourage them to establish a deeper connection with their inner selves. I work towards promoting a holistic transformation by inviting them to connect with their inner selves, acknowledge neglected parts, and facilitate the healing of their wounded inner child.
I emphasize that our thoughts and minds do not define us, and I often suggest mindfulness practices to help clients develop an awareness of their thoughts. Through this healing process and increased self-awareness, I hope clients can cultivate a safe space to unravel their survival-based defense mechanisms. This enables them to opt for new responses to life situations instead of merely reacting. A reconnection with their inner essence allows clients to reclaim their sense of self and holistic well-being.
During my childhood, I was constantly taught how to succeed in life and was focused on meeting the expectations of my parents, teachers, and society. My existence seemed to depend on the recognition and validation from others, leaving me unsure of my own identity. I followed the predetermined path set by my family and society, excelling academically and securing a job in the corporate world. However, I realized that my sense of self and worth relied solely on how others perceived me. I constantly took on different roles and identities, trying to fit into societal molds, but none of them felt true to who I really was. Despite achieving goals and receiving promotions, I felt empty and lost. I started questioning who am I and searching for answers
In my journey of self-discovery, I questioned the meaning of life and how success is defined. Through therapy and practicing vipassana meditation, I gained awareness of the limitations imposed on my happiness and potential by certain beliefs ingrained from my childhood and society. By delving into meditation and spirituality, I developed a deeper understanding of my thought patterns and realized that they do not define my true essence. This newfound understanding empowered me to break free from societal expectations and uncover my authentic aspirations. Upon examining my past perspectives, my perception underwent a significant shift, allowing me to view life events as opportunities for personal growth rather than random occurrences. Embracing the inherent duality of existence and nurturing self-love, I discovered a sense of fulfillment and purpose, surpassing life's adversities and challenges. During my own personal journey of self-discovery, I discovered a deep passion for helping others. This inspired me to become a therapist and provide my clients with the tools and guidance they need to navigate their own paths of self-discovery.
Psychedelic Integration
Inner Child Healing
Money Coaching
Boundary Setting
Self-Esteem & Confidence
Break Up
Anxiety & Chronic Stress
Grief & Loss
Life Transitions
Life Coaching
Transitioning to Retirement
Adapting to/transcending adverse family, social, and cultural systems
Psychotherapy and therapeutic coaching for individuals and couples.
Individual session - 50 min: $200, 80 min: $270
Couples session - 50 min: $220, 80 min: $290
Accepts ICBC, CVAP, and Extended Health Coverage (for clients in BC)
Offers Sliding Scale
If you’re unable to find an available time that works for you, please reach out to heidi@innerverseintegratedhealth.com